Our latest release 'Leo, Lucy and the Orange Solution', co-written by Ziji Rinpoche and Celine Wright, is about two children who want a single orange.

It is based on the famous 'Orange Story' popular amongst mediators to illustrate how to go beyond settling for compromises and listen for what each party wants, as often a win-win solution can be found! The story is featured in the Principles of Benefit and Service of the Short Moments organisation. Peak inside below!

Leo and Lucy both want a single orange. They try snatching but it doesn't work. They try a compromise, but they are still not satisfied. They have so many stormy feelings they don't know what to do!
Until they remember to use the magic tool and relax for a short moment.

Lucy takes some bubble space and comes up with a song...which points her to the key to problem solving: listening.
The song can be listened to on the Short Moments for Kids website here.

Through listening solutions appear to the siblings they didn’t consider, where everyone wins the whole part of the orange they want and none of it is wasted!
The story helps children learn key communication and mediation skills: resting the mind and listening!

The book also comes with the recipe for Leo's orange-flavored muffins. To get the Paperback in time for the holidays, order it on Amazon!
Find the same characters Leo and Lucy Diamond in the other books of the Pearl Collection below
We're happy to start receiving reviews from people who use the Orange Story in their mediation work!
